We’ve introduced autoregressive models in a purely statistical framework, but they can be interpreted as population models too. Take the first order autoregressive (AR1) model:

\(x_{t+1} = a + bx_t +\epsilon_t\) .

Let’s replace \(x\) with \(N\), which we often use as the symbol for population size. In addition, let’s ignore the error term, set \(b=1\), and re-order the terms:

\(N_{t+1} = N_t + a\) .

Now it looks more like a population model, but it’s an odd one, because it is additive: population size next year is population size this year plus some constant \(a\). In other words, the population will increase linearly with time; it will not display the exponential growth we typically expect for a biological system.

Let’s prove this to ourselves with a short R script (cut and paste the code block into R).

# An AR1 function to simulate popn growth
ar1 <- function(time_steps,initial_n,a,b,sigma){
  N <- numeric(time_steps)
  N[1] = initial_n
  for(i in 2:time_steps){
    N[i] = a + b*N[i-1] +rnorm(1,0,sigma)

# Run it with no stochasticity, no density dependence
N <- ar1(time_steps=100, initial_n=1, a=2, b=1, sigma=0)

Add some stochasticity:

N <- ar1(time_steps=100, initial_n=1, a=2, b=1, sigma=2)

And now we can add some negative density-dependence by setting \(b<1\). The population will reach equilibrium at \(a/b\). This is easiest to see if we remove stochasticity.

N <- ar1(time_steps=100, initial_n=1, a=5, b=0.5, sigma=0)

The lag 1 autocorrelation \(b\) is directly related to density-dependence!

This is all great, but what if we want to use the time series approach to capture more typical exponential growth dynamics? The Gompertz model makes this not just possible, but easy. Here is the Gompertz population model:

\(N_{t+1} = N_t \exp (a - c \log N_t + \epsilon_t)\)

This model has the exponential growth we expect, but it looks nothing like the AR1 model, at least not yet. First we log transform population size: \(x_t = \log N_t\). Then we can rewrite the model as

\(x_{t+1} = x_t + a - cx_t + \epsilon_t\)

which simplifies to

\(x_{t+1} = a + (1-c)x_t + \epsilon_t\) .

Define \(b = 1 - c\) and you get something that should look familiar:

\(x_{t+1} = a + bx_t + \epsilon_t\)

So the Gompertz model is an AR1 model on the log scale. We can use the same AR1 function to simulate this model, we just have to backtransform the output to put it on the arithmetic scale.

N <- ar1(time_steps=100, initial_n=1, a=2, b=0.5, sigma=1)

How do the dynamics of this Gompertz model differ from the those of the AR1 on arithmetic scale?

Dealing with ARIMA constants

After I wrote this up, I realized that the way Arima() is implemented in R creates a couple of complications. Arima() assumes that the intercept of the AR1 model (coefficient \(a\) in the notation above) is equal to the mean of the time series. If the time-series you are fitting is stationary, this isn’t a big deal. You can calculate \(a\) as follows:

a = coef(ar1_model)[2]*(1 - coef(ar1_model[1])

where coef(ar1_model)[1] is the autoregressive term and coef(ar1_model)[2] is the mean.

However, based on my own little experiments, if your time-series is not stationary, and you have not included the moving average or differencing terms needed to make it stationary, then your estimates of \(a\) and \(b\) can be way off. So if you want to interpret your parameters in a population growth context, I recommend avoiding Arima() and fitting the lag density term directly using a linear model you specify yourself.